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Nikola Valenti

5 Things To Do At Home During The Coron-Tine

Updated: Jul 31, 2020

We’ve never known a life of strictly working from home, only going out for groceries, and not being able to visit friends or family. This is something we never have experienced, and it's here to stay until we have a solution.

So what is there to do- when you’re sitting at home, peering through your window, thinking about life that once was? Binge-watching Netflix and scrolling through social media is not great for your mental health... so as we adjust to this new reality, here are a few ideas of what you can do to keep busy and keep to a routine while you’re under quarantine.

According to psychological research conducted by (Diener, Sandvik, & Pavot, 2009), it is easier for someone to be happy if he often does things that make him happy :)

So someone’s happiness does not depend on the intensity of joy itself but depends on how often someone does fun things. If that's right

Fun things for everyone can be different (subjective). Besides, you also need to pay attention to that the main things such as worship and office work must be done first so that they do not become obstacles in the future.

  1. Work From Home the right way

Better use of time tidy workspace is very important when it comes to productivity. Clutter oftentimes causes stress (even if you don't initially realize it)- and who needs more stress right now? Divide your home territory, maintain your office space strictly for work purposes.

Taking a few minutes to put papers away and throw away trash from the day before has numerous benefits such as:

  • Inspired confidence

  • Improved efficiency

  • Better use of time

  • More focus

2. Hi-Five of your Friends

Take this time to reconnect with friends who you have lost touch. In the time of social distancing, why don't we socially connect with people who will bring a smile to your face?

Let see how many people are we able to reconnect with over this period?

Use these apps and software to make staying in touch easier:

3. Try Yoga, Stretch Out Those Muscles

During this time, it's normal to be feeling more stressed than usual. Staying at home and being confined to your space can be difficult. Starting your day off with yoga has multiple benefits such as decreasing stress, relieving anxiety, promoting better sleep quality, and increasing strength.

4. Learn Something New (Or, Brush Up on Something Old)

With more free time to play with, you’re set up to learn a new skill or dust off that thing you’ve been needing a refresher on.

  • Learn a foreign language! Check out All You Can Books

  • Khan Academy has free online courses from your core school curriculum to anatomy and medicine!

  • Learn to code! Code Academy is now offering free scholarships for students.

5. Consider time to chill

All work and no play... makes Jack a Dull boy. Time to find some quality entertainment. There is plenty of it: from online chess to membership in online greatest libraries with the selection of books to satisfy your soul preferences. Websites, blogs, platforms with funny things to read about are all there for you to relax and get distracted from all the horror news portioned for us daily. We have to be in the know of what is happening, however pleasant distractions are simply a must for our mind to remain sane.

Quarantine is not a sentence to bear. It might serve as a quite useful period to grow to evolve and reinvent some real values. We did get more free time and yes,  I know that some might have gotten it for all the sad reasons. However, it is still not the end of the world, and this disaster will be ended someday. How about meeting that day with new skills and achievements, or simply slightly bit relaxed and with totally reconceptualized worldview?

Let us take one day at a time and get through all this together. Follow our Blog, to know more about Quarantine Date Ideas, let us continue this journey together and meet at the finish line.

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